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Boise, Idaho

Illusions the Drag Queen Show is casting in Boise, Idaho to find spectacular celebrities impersonating drag queens with amazing personalities and a flair for classic and raunchy humor. Being chosen to become a part of the Illusion Drag Queens Team in Boise, is an amazing way to showcase your talents and the hard work you have done to develop them to be shown off to hundreds of attendees in Boise, Idaho every week around the country.

When you become a part of Illusions the Drag Queen Show in Boise, Idaho you become a part of unforgettable memories in one of the most amazing and sought-after shows in the country. Illusions The Drag Queen Show, Dinner, and Brunch Show in Boise, Idaho are a top-notch celebrity impersonation, comedic burlesque-style show that leaves all of its fans in Boise raving about eccentric hair, makeup, and wardrobe that our amazing Boise Drag Queens bring to the stage.

So, if you think you’ve got what it takes to become the next Queen to join Illusions in Boise, then fill out the application and let the Kiki begin!

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